Carol Birdsall, Head of Scorekeeping for Baseball New Zealand has set the dates for the upcoming Scoring and My Ball Club app training clinics set for September and October in preparation for the 2020/2021 season.
Introduction to Baseball Scoring – Level 0 - Novice Scorer at Junior, Club and Association level
Session Dates:
A chance to support your team and club this season by learning to score. This clinic is designed for all new and novice scorers out there.
The clinic will cover the following:
Level 1 Scoring – Club/School level up to but not including Premier Grades.
**You must have completed Level 0 to participate in this clinic**
Commencing: 30th September 2020 – 7.30pm – 9pm (weekly sessions up until the 21st October 2020)
This clinic is designed for persons wishing to score on a more regular basis, expanding their scoring ability and knowledge of scoring techniques whilst complying with the rules of baseball scoring including:- scoresheet competency, symbols, basic statistics, interpretations eg wild pitch/ pass ball, hit/error.
Session Dates:
Introduction to “My Ball Club” Scoring App
**You must have completed Level 1 to participate in this clinic**
Session 4th October 2020 – 7.00pm – 8pm
This clinic is a Introduction to “My Ball Club” and how to enter a game
Register for the clinics here or email carol.birdsall@baseballnewzealand.com.
Article added: Tuesday 22 September 2020
P.O. Box 301 257
New Zealand
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Wellington Baseball
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